Janicot's avatar


Janicot R.
175 Watchers61 Deviations


2 min read

Member of
:icondaa-stock: :iconthe-mask-club: :iconserial-killers: :iconsoporaeternus: :icondeathlovers: :iconclaustrophobic: :iconcarnival-macabre: :icongoregalore: :iconthe-beauty-decays: :iconmedievalcommunity: :iconfetish-comunity: :iconfishnetfetish: :icontheunknownartists:
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Scars or Wounds?
The Fall has no End.

Not many words for now
i'm working on new concepts, i'm going to finally create everything my mind has thought during this period of absence and, generally, this ending of 2006.
No anticipations
I'm really satisfied about my work here since i entered dA in 2004.
It has been hard for me sharing some works and visions had so long time ago..i think it's normal considering something you made over-reached after a period of 2-3 years.
Anyway I receveid almost 10,000 pageviews and that's mean someone appreciated that far world once I owned.

People that have a sense in my life

:iconjudhas-v: :iconspectralfairy: :iconkitty-schleier: :iconstregamuriel: :iconcunegonda:

I'll add some artists i admire in the future, you know i'm in debt with someone in the list :P

I'm sorry for non Italians readers, i really need to express myself in a total way:

"L'artista espressionista trasfigura così tutto lo spazio.Egli non guarda: vede; non racconta:vive ; non riproduce: ricrea ; non trova: cerca.Al concatenarsi dei fatti - fabbriche, case, malattie, prostitute, gridi e fame - subentra il loro trasfigurarsi. I fatti acquistano importanza solo nel momento in cui la mano dell'artista, che si tende ttraverso di essi, chiudendosi, fa presa su ciò che a essi sta dietro: l'artista vede l'umano nelle prostitute e il divino nelle fabbriche, e riconduce i singoli fenomeni nel complesso del mondo.Dell'oggetto ci dà l'intima immagine, il paesaggio in cui spazia la sua arte è quello stesso grande Paradiso che Iddio creò alle origini del mondo e che è più ricco, più vario e infinito di quello che il nostro sguardo, nel suo cieco empirismo, considera reale, ambiente che non vi sarebbe interesse a descrivere, ma che mediamente, a cercarvi il profondo, il caratteristico, il meraviglioso spirituale, si riempe di nuovi interessi e scoperte.
Tutto viene rapportato all'Eterno.Il malato non è più soltanto quell'individuo che soffre, ma si converte nella malattia stessa, nel suo corpo traspare il dolore di tutto il creato e scende la pietà del creatore.Una cosa non è più soltanto materia, pietra, panorama, soltanto un quadrilatero con gli attributi della bellezza o della bruttezza.Essa si libera di tutto questo; viene indadagata nella sua caratteristica essenza fino ad attingerne l'aspetto più intimo: fino a che la casa si apra e si liberi dall'ottusa costrizione di una verità sbagliata; fino a che sia rovistata in ogni angolo e vagliata attraverso quell'espressione che ne rivelerà il significato fondamentale magari a spese della verosomiglianza; fino a che si elevi o precipiti, si stiri o si rattrappisca; fino a che insomma sia realizzato ciò che in essa dorme allo stato di possibilità"

(Le avanguardie artistiche del Novecento, Mario De Micheli)

"Affinchè un importante prodotto dello spirito possa esercitare immediatamente un influsso vasto e profondo, dev'esserci un'affinità segreta, anzi una concordanza, fra il destino personale del suo autore e quello generale dei contemporanei.Gli uomini nono sanno perchè conferiscono gloria a un'opera d'arte.Tutt'altro che intenditori, credono di scoprirvi mille pregi per giustificare tanto consenso; ma il vero motivo del loro plauso è qualcosa di imponderabile: è simpatia.Aschenbach aveva affermato una volta in una sua pagina, alla sfuggita ma senza ambagi, che quasi tutto ciò che esiste al mondo di grande è una manifestazione di resistenza, è sorto cioè nonostante il dolore e la sofferenza, nonostante la povertà, l'abbandono, la debolezza fisica, il vizio, la passione e mille ostacoli.Ma più ancora che una osservazione questo era un'esperienza, era addirittura la formula della sua vita e della sua gloria, la chiave dell'opera sua; perchè stupirsi dunque se era anche il carattere etico, l'aspetto esteriore delle sue figure più singolari?Del nuovo tipo d'eroe che questo scrittore preferiva, tipo che si ripeteva nelle più varie forme individuali, un analista intelligente aveva scritto già molto tempo innanzi che era la concezione <<di una virilità intellettuale e giovanile che con fiero pudore stringe i denti e rimane salda e tranquilla mentre lance e spade le trafiggono il corpo >>.Era bene espresso, con spirito ed esattezza, ma in apparenza puntava troppo sulla passività.Giacchè fermezza di fronte al destino, grazia nella sofferenza non vuole dire semplicemente subire; è un'azione attiva, un trionfo positivo, e la figura di San Sebastiano è il più bel simbolo se non dell'arte in genere, certamente dell'arte di cui si parla.A guardare in quel mondo narrato, si discerneva l'elegante dominio di sè, che dissimula fino all'ultimo istante agli occhi del mondo un logoramento interno, il declino biologico; la gialla bruttezza, sensualmente svantaggiata, che è capace di far divampare in purissima fiamma la brace della sua libidine, e di salire addirittura al dominio nel regno della bellezza; la pallida impotenza, che dalle profondità ardenti dello spirito ricava la forza di gettare un intero popolo protervo ai piedi della croce; ai propri piedi; l'atteggiamento amabile al vuoto e rigido servizio della forma; la vita falsa, pericolosa, la nostalgia snervante e l'arte dell'impostore nato: a considerare tutto quel destino, e quanto altro simile, ci si poteva chiedere se esiste eroismo all'infuori della debolezza"

(La morte a Venezia, Thomas Mann)

Member of
:icondaa-stock: :iconthe-mask-club: :iconserial-killers: :iconsoporaeternus: :icondeathlovers: :iconclaustrophobic: :iconcarnival-macabre: :icongoregalore: :iconthe-beauty-decays: :iconmedievalcommunity: :iconfetish-comunity: :iconfishnetfetish: :icontheunknownartists:
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The Wound becomes a scar.
The Fall keeps to be deep.

Joined a new club! :iconthe-mask-club:

Well i almost added all my old works on dA.
As you see i'm submitting material from june.
Actually I didn't realized so much in last months expecially on july.
I changed many things in my life, and what i did the most has been thinking.
I have a lot of projects, but, as usual, they just remained inside my mind, very far from reality, let's say.I changed my mind about a lot of old projects that i wanted to bring to reality, some of them seemed quite outreached.
More important thing is surely my approach to video art with a short dealing with Death and Truth with a dark, deseased, medieval mood.I'll open a myspace account for that.Stay tuned.

I also started working seriously with models, and i'm trying a new approach to photography too, even closer to body art.Obviously I'll work in that way together with Video.
I'm quite tormented musically speaking.I can say I spent more than six years following something,
just for glory and ideals about Art, sacrfying myself, my life, my emotions too sometimes.
I limited myself and above all I stayed with people very different from me.
I'm talking about black metal and the dreadful ending of it.
I tried in every way to present a black metal product that could be considered Art and not a ridicolous and unbelievable creed made of limits and stereothypes.
That kind of life (seriously speaking from 14 to 20) took myself in situations i wouldn't experience.It made me met people i wouldn't sincerelly meet.I'm too much different and too much sensitive for that kind of system.That means i really suffered for that because in all that period i had no real friends...people disappearing when i needed them and appearing just for what I represented for them.I also met women when I thought life was a stage (for me and for them) , not in a spontaneous way, not for something purer.Don't know why I desperatelly grabbed that world, perhaps cause all the weakness covered behind a harmour of falseness, all the blood and tears cried and foundind myself inquired for homicide confused me a lot.Perhaps because I was able to do just that thing.
I don't give a fuck about black metal scene, i don't give a fuck about the years spent with useless persons.My way is something different.

to be continued...

I totally hate conformism and academism.I prefer to know nothing as Socrate instead of becoming a fucking part of that sick system that's our society that embraces also Art.The one I LOVE.
Fuck off, you that know everything.You, that can see just what others claim to be Art.You, that won't NEVER sincerelly express yourself.

Check out at www.nbproduction.net our work.We're working above all with noise and death industrial

Other things we're working on with Nocturnal Productions:





I met some new people really worth of your attention

ABOVE ALL :iconjudhas-v: My only friend in this sea of sorrow
:iconinfernalchaos: Started with her a bizarre, hard and long path.Take a look
into the haunt of the Rabbit...
:iconcunegonda: Not only she's a member of our band Pestis Cornua.She's a refined and elegant
photographer.Just if you do not consider photography only entertainment.
:iconmehrunnisa: A Forest of Dreams
:iconintenebris: Unique.Ambigous, passional, poetical.
:iconchaosconquersall: Splendid journey through the language of body.
:iconvaleriarots: Oriental Beauty with babie's abuse concept...and much other..amazing :heart:
:iconhaeresis: A Poet of Image.
:iconfliegen: Stunning Beauty with excellent gallery..love her
:iconinisdark: My mad girl

Found on a journal

What is your name?: Janicot (i don't like my real name)
Are you named after anyone?: Yes in a lot of ways
What's your screen name?: Janicot
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be: I have still to think about it
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I think so
Your gender: Induism has more than 2 sexes.
Straight/Gay/Bi: Don't know.Perhaps necrophile.
Single?: Always
Birth date: 12th July 19**
Your age: ?
Age you act: 28
Age you wish you were: No age
Your height: 1 meter and 80 cm
Your living arrangement: Myself.With my ghosts.
Your family: My brother.
Obsessions?: Death, Art, Beauty, Past, Foot fetish
Addictions?: So many
Do you speak another language?:Mother language Italian, English, Deutsch, Espanol.A little bit of arab.
Have a favorite quote?:Quotidie morimur, we all die

-Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it-
Do you live in the moment?: In the past.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Nope.
Do you have any secrets?: A lot
Do you hate yourself?: So much
Do you like your handwriting?: Yes I do
Do you have any bad habits?: Yes but i don't really know what bad or good is...i feel in fault for many things.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: You're deep and bizarre.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Morbid Obsession

What's your biggest fear?: Death, losing who I love
Can you sing?: There's no way to really express oneself learning how to express oneself.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Sure
Are you a loner?: loner?
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Art. Money. What reaches to make me love this life.Dying without fear and face with dignity my end.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don't think so.
Are you a daredevil?: who knows
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes, i fear my obsessions, i fear moments when i feel so close to madness.I hate my so human being.I hate my voice.
Are you passive or aggressive: both of them.It depends.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: to have not commited suicide.Weakness:i take myself too much seriously and i'm phobic and suspicious.i think everyone thinks i take nyself too much seriously and no one likes a morbid bastard.I'm too much sensitive.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:Having perfect straight hair.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Sometimes i thinks so, others not.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Having smiled when i didn't want to just to seem ok to others.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Life is like death...it has no sense, IT'S and that's enough.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: "The perpetual conflict with Eternity...but i have a heart beating and a hand with warm blood inside of it"
What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes, my nose, my hands, my back
And least?: My neck
Do you think you are good looking?: Sometimes perfectly looking others time i seem a gipsy.
Are you confident?: Not so much
What is the fictional character you are most like?: No one
Are you perceived wrongly?: Always.

-Do You…
Smoke?: Yes.
Do drugs?: Yes.
Read the newspaper?: Yes.I consider important to advice myself, trying to understand if end of times is near.
Pray?: I have just Emptyness to pray.
Go to church?: Yes i love them and, above all, the mood inside of them.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: No
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Take walks in the rain?: I hate rain
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Never
Like to drive fast?: Once.It gave me huge problems.

-Would or Have You Ever?-
Liked your voice?: Never
Hurt yourself?: Often
Been out of the country?: Yes
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes but i remember just worms and cigarettes
Been in love?: One time
Done drugs?: Yes
Had surgery?: No
Gotten beaten up?: Yes
Beaten someone up? Yes
Been picked on?: ...
Been on stage?: Yes
Slept outdoors?: Yes
Thought about suicide?: A lot of times
Pulled an all nighter?: ...
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: The only thought disgusts me
Slept all day? Yes
Killed someone?: Yes
Made out with a stranger?: No
Had sex with a stranger?: No
Thought you're going crazy?: Always.And I think slowly everyone is thinking about that.
Kissed the same sex?: Yes
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Not really
Been Betrayed?: Yes.By God, by Art, by Love, by Life.
Had a dream that came true?: Still not true
Broken the law?: Yes
Met a famous person?: Who really is famous?
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No
On purpose?: Not killed
Stolen anything?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: more than one

Believe in life on other planets?: It's very probably
Miracles?: No
Astrology?: No
Magic?: Construed on Eliphas Levi...i don't believe in pure magic
Satan?: Construed on philosophy
Santa?: No
Ghosts?: If we are talking about Benson's ghosts nope.I believe in ghosts construed like regrets.
Witches?: Just to those died burned in middle ages.And those who are keeping tradition.
Easter bunny?: It's not so popular here.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Never
Believe there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No...
Do you wish on stars?: They are so ambiguos, malicious and evil

-Deep Theological Questions-
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: No.
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Do you believe in organized religion: No.
Where do you think we go when we die?: To nowhere.To Emptyness.To not being.

Member of
:icondaa-stock: :iconthe-mask-club: :iconserial-killers: :iconsoporaeternus: :icondeathlovers: :iconclaustrophobic: :iconcarnival-macabre: :icongoregalore: :iconthe-beauty-decays: :iconmedievalcommunity: :iconfetish-comunity: :iconfishnetfetish: :icontheunknownartists:

My band website:

My Art Laboratory and Centre of Alternative Sperimentation, Distro of Musical, Poetical, Narrative and Video Arts:
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The Wound becomes a scar.
The Fall keeps to be deep.

Joined a new club! :iconthe-mask-club:

Started with 2006 winter works.
That was one of my worst periods.I mean I was depressed every day and I increased a certain level of black consciousness, the one making you suffer.
Indeed a very creative period but not so much studied and elegant.I'd say pure in its total darkness.
Curious to see your critics.

I totally hate conformism and academism.I prefer to know nothing as Socrate instead of becoming a fucking part of that sick system that's our society that embraces also Art.The one I LOVE.
Fuck off, you that know everything.You, that can see just what others claim to be Art.You, that won't NEVER sincerelly express yourself.

The Fall

From the summer of 2004 until the winter of the end of 2005 i felt so bad that I actually worked on just a few works that disgust myself.
Most of that time i just lied on bed watching ceiling.
I'll try to remember that period with that few photographic memories I like and with other art style beside photography.

In the last time i was invaded by a strange sort of enthusiasm convincing me i'm a bipolar depressed.
I'm doing a lot of things.
Musically i'm working on several projects.Neo creation "Pestis Cornua" consists in a sort of black ambient-medieval with guitars, hornes, trumpets, ancient drums and a strange instrument called "ciaramella" the ancient version of oboe.It seems a chanter of a bagpipe and it has a very medieval and pestilential sound.

We're also working on a re mastered version of Sigma Draconis last album called "Vae Victis".
We're trying to avoid the intruiguing but trivial recording of the original version.

Check out at www.nbproduction.net

Other things we're working on with Nocturnal Productions:





Let's talk about my photographies.
I finally reached year 2004 and i'm close to my new works.
Some serie had quite success and i'm satisfied.
As usual i try to bring black metal to a higher level of art with photography.
It was hard to re walk this long path from 2001 to 2004.
Some of my old works are nothing special but i still love them and submitted for i consider them an important part of my artistical way.
Several of them were re edited and submitted after having been just scanned with a hp2175 that i love for his smooth white light...in that period i was using JUST analog...NO PHOTOSHOP OR POST EFFECTS!
I'd like also to organize exhibitions with my works..if anyone's interested.
Soon i'll add a web site with also my video art.
I'm working on some short films including a videoclip for noise project 8:mm: and so on.

Persons i like to notice

ABOVE ALL :iconjudhas-v: My only friend in this sea of sorrow
:iconstregamuriel: Magical pics, dear friend of mine
:iconnecrotina: one of my best friends
:iconvaleriarots: Oriental Beauty with babie's abuse concept...and much other..amazing :heart:
:iconaliceindeadland: Check it out.This guy has very nice taste.
:iconfliegen: Stunning Beauty with excellent gallery..love her
:iconfrossene-tarer: Intelligent and deep art..and beautiful nordic girl
:iconnasma: Another beautiful artist...really love her
:iconsrulia-nialo: One of my best friends and supporters =)
:iconshinimegamisky: =)
:iconblack-eyes: beautiful art

Found on a journal

What is your name?: Janicot (i don't like my real name)
Are you named after anyone?: Yes in a lot of ways
What's your screen name?: Janicot
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be: I have still to think about it
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I think so
Your gender: Induism has more than 2 sexes.
Straight/Gay/Bi: Don't know.Perhaps necrophile.
Single?: Always
Birth date: 12th July 19**
Your age: ?
Age you act: 28
Age you wish you were: No age
Your height: 1 meter and 80 cm
Your living arrangement: Myself.With my ghosts.
Your family: My brother.
Obsessions?: Death, Art, Beauty, Past, Foot fetish
Addictions?: So many
Do you speak another language?:Mother language Italian, English, Deutsch, Espanol.A little bit of arab.
Have a favorite quote?:Quotidie morimur, we all die

-Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it-
Do you live in the moment?: In the past.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Nope.
Do you have any secrets?: A lot
Do you hate yourself?: So much
Do you like your handwriting?: Yes I do
Do you have any bad habits?: Yes but i don't really know what bad or good is...i feel in fault for many things.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: You're deep and bizarre.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Morbid Obsession

What's your biggest fear?: Death, losing who I love
Can you sing?: There's no way to really express oneself learning how to express oneself.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Sure
Are you a loner?: loner?
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Art. Money. What reaches to make me love this life.Dying without fear and face with dignity my end.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don't think so.
Are you a daredevil?: who knows
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes, i fear my obsessions, i fear moments when i feel so close to madness.I hate my so human being.I hate my voice.
Are you passive or aggressive: both of them.It depends.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: to have not commited suicide.Weakness:i take myself too much seriously and i'm phobic and suspicious.i think everyone thinks i take nyself too much seriously and no one likes a morbid bastard.I'm too much sensitive.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:Having perfect straight hair.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Sometimes i thinks so, others not.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Having smiled when i didn't want to just to seem ok to others.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Life is like death...it has no sense, IT'S and that's enough.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: "The perpetual conflict with Eternity...but i have a heart beating and a hand with warm blood inside of it"
What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes, my nose, my hands, my back
And least?: My neck
Do you think you are good looking?: Sometimes perfectly looking others time i seem a gipsy.
Are you confident?: Not so much
What is the fictional character you are most like?: No one
Are you perceived wrongly?: Always.

-Do You…
Smoke?: Yes.
Do drugs?: Yes.
Read the newspaper?: Yes.I consider important to advice myself, trying to understand if end of times is near.
Pray?: I have just Emptyness to pray.
Go to church?: Yes i love them and, above all, the mood inside of them.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: No
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Take walks in the rain?: I hate rain
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Never
Like to drive fast?: Once.It gave me huge problems.

-Would or Have You Ever?-
Liked your voice?: Never
Hurt yourself?: Often
Been out of the country?: Yes
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes but i remember just worms and cigarettes
Been in love?: One time
Done drugs?: Yes
Had surgery?: No
Gotten beaten up?: Yes
Beaten someone up? Yes
Been picked on?: ...
Been on stage?: Yes
Slept outdoors?: Yes
Thought about suicide?: A lot of times
Pulled an all nighter?: ...
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: The only thought disgusts me
Slept all day? Yes
Killed someone?: Yes
Made out with a stranger?: No
Had sex with a stranger?: No
Thought you're going crazy?: Always.And I think slowly everyone is thinking about that.
Kissed the same sex?: Yes
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Not really
Been Betrayed?: Yes.By God, by Art, by Love, by Life.
Had a dream that came true?: Still not true
Broken the law?: Yes
Met a famous person?: Who really is famous?
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No
On purpose?: Not killed
Stolen anything?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: more than one

Believe in life on other planets?: It's very probably
Miracles?: No
Astrology?: No
Magic?: Construed on Eliphas Levi...i don't believe in pure magic
Satan?: Construed on philosophy
Santa?: No
Ghosts?: If we are talking about Benson's ghosts nope.I believe in ghosts construed like regrets.
Witches?: Just to those died burned in middle ages.And those who are keeping tradition.
Easter bunny?: It's not so popular here.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Never
Believe there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No...
Do you wish on stars?: They are so ambiguos, malicious and evil

-Deep Theological Questions-
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: No.
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Do you believe in organized religion: No.
Where do you think we go when we die?: To nowhere.To Emptyness.To not being.

My more favourited works

BEAUTY www.deviantart.com/view/288628…
GRAVES MORBID LOVER www.deviantart.com/view/331850…
REEK OF BLOOD www.deviantart.com/view/320579…
SICILY 2003 www.deviantart.com/view/325080…
THE SEVEN SOURCES IX www.deviantart.com/view/309529…

Member of
:icondaa-stock: :iconthe-mask-club: :iconserial-killers: :iconsoporaeternus: :icondeathlovers: :iconclaustrophobic: :iconcarnival-macabre: :icongoregalore: :iconthe-beauty-decays: :iconmedievalcommunity: :iconfetish-comunity: :iconfishnetfetish: :icontheunknownartists:

My band website:

My Art Laboratory and Centre of Alternative Sperimentation, Distro of Musical, Poetical, Narrative and Video Arts:
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3,000 pageviews
my favourite deviation is forever dead
Sadness will last forever

Found on a journal...i think it's better than asking favourite band

Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song titles that come up to answer each question.

+ How does the world see me?
Mayhem - Freezing Moon

+ Will I have a happy life?
Christian Death - Romeo's Distress

+ What do people really think of me?
Brighter Death Now - Thirtyseven

+ Do people secretly lust after me?
Christian Death- Temple of Desire

+ How can I make myself happy?
Sopor Aeternus - Tanz der Grausamkeit

+ What should I do with my life?
Franco Battiato - Delenda Cartago

+ Will I ever have children?
Sunn 0))) - Fly of the Behemoth

+ What is some good advice for me?
Iggy Pop - The Passenger

+ What do I think my current theme song is?
Aphex Twin - Stone in Focus

+ What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
Burzum - Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Säule Der Singularität

+ What song will play at my funeral?
Love is colder than death - The city in the sea

+ What type of men/women do you like?
I Gufi - La ballata del milite ignoto

+ What is my day going to be like?
Tori Amos - Raining Blood

+ Why am I here?
Marilyn Manson - Man that you fear

+ What will people remember me for?
Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux

+ What song will I get stuck in my head tomorrow?
Placebo - Pure Morning

+ Are there people outside waiting to take me away?
Current 93 - From Broken Cross, Locusts

+ What will this year be all about?
Thorns - Aerie Descent

+ What will be my next boy/girlfiend like?
Sopor Aeternus - Not Dead but Dying

+ What will be my tomorrow dinner like?
SPK - Islam Wars

+ Am I good at kissing?
Lamento di Tristano

+ Should I go on a diet?
Blut Aus Nord - The Fall chapter 1

+ How will I die?
Skepticism - Aether

+ What will be the next important person I meet in my life?
Death in June - Fall Apart

+ What do my friends think of me?
Der Blutharsch - untitled

+ What will be my next party like?
Dead Kennedys - Soup is good food

+ Will I ever change radically?
Ordo Rosario Equilibrio - Make love and war


Ambigous sex theme has ever fascinating me.
For many problems I always tried to look manly, while I know there always have been a female side in me.
When I took a new serie of photos, I choose a theme such as "pietas" or "misericordia" or something deepers as the conflict between those persons Socrate called "The awaken" and "The Sleepers" (that i call "the goats").
After choosing the theme, i wait sadness invading me, all bad thoughts and I let those emotions raping me.I live a sort of Catharsi that I think it could exorcize my obsession (sometimes I fear that I'm just powering them).
Infact the mix between Pain and Pleasure, is the result of my works.The result may be Frustration (that I've got to erase with another Catharsi such as a knife or a better work) or Atarassia, that means absence of Pain.It lasts just few moments and the degree of tolerance raises up every time I reach this orgasm..such as a drug.
For this reason I'm always disgusted by myself and my works.

My body is adorned of scars and gushes...i flowed rainbows of blood.
I started after a person left me (I started smoking too) and every scar has got a story, an inscription...my right arm is really unwatchable.
When you cut yourself there's a deep ritual:I did that to feel better, not to punish myself.I thought that making my blood flow, I'll wash up all the bad was inside me.When you cut yourself you first see a perfect white line.That line open in a second showing to you it's lips.In those lips you can see capillaries stopping their blood rush for an istant...and then blood flow on your skin...you realize that stream pulsation is your hearth rhytm and for an istant you stopped it...then the scar is a sensual blood red mouth...I find it Poetry.



It's strange how Arts can be so similar to Love.
How many times did you feel betrayed by it?
How many times did you find it unusefull, such as everything?
Sometimes I still think Death is the only truth we have.
Sometimes I'd like to be as the millenarist priest in "The seventh seal"
when he shouts to the crowd they're just fool...everyone HAS to die, if not this day, than tomorrow.
Sometimes I'd like to be as the Pure Knight and keeping fighting in this misery, in this sadness, in this depression.Finding a reason.
I'm not the millenarist priest, i'm not the Pure Knight.
I don't know who I am and i think I don't really care.


These days i'm surrounded by visions and omens.
I think too much to my ghosts.Strangely I have no dreams conceirning them.
I started painting a Dance Macabre.
I hate Painting: it's the more appreciated form of Art in the world.
Every Art has its elite and its canons, but the art of painting is what disgust me the most.I always remember.


Found on a journal

What is your name?: Janicot (i don't like my real name)
Are you named after anyone?: Yes in a lot of ways
What's your screen name?: Janicot
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be: I have still to think about it
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I think so
Your gender: Induism has more than 2 sexes.
Straight/Gay/Bi: Don't know.Perhaps necrophile.
Single?: Always
Birth date: 12th July 19**
Your age: ?
Age you act: 28
Age you wish you were: No age
Your height: 1 meter and 80 cm
Your living arrangement: Myself.With my ghosts.
Your family: My brother.
Obsessions?: Death, Art, Beauty, Past, Foot fetish
Addictions?: So many
Do you speak another language?:Mother language Italian, English, Deutsch, Espanol.A little bit of arab.
Have a favorite quote?:Quotidie morimur, we all die

-Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it-
Do you live in the moment?: In the past.
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Nope.
Do you have any secrets?: A lot
Do you hate yourself?: So much
Do you like your handwriting?: Yes I do
Do you have any bad habits?: Yes but i don't really know what bad or good is...i feel in fault for many things.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: You're deep and bizarre.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Morbid Obsession

What's your biggest fear?: Death, losing who I love
Can you sing?: There's no way to really express oneself learning how to express oneself.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: Sure
Are you a loner?: loner?
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Art. Money. What reaches to make me love this life.Dying without fear and face with dignity my end.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: I don't think so.
Are you a daredevil?: who knows
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes, i fear my obsessions, i fear moments when i feel so close to madness.I hate my so human being.I hate my voice.
Are you passive or aggressive: both of them.It depends.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: Strength: to have not commited suicide.Weakness:i take myself too much seriously and i'm phobic and suspicious.i think everyone thinks i take nyself too much seriously and no one likes a morbid bastard.I'm too much sensitive.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?:Having perfect straight hair.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: Sometimes i thinks so, others not.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Having smiled when i didn't want to just to seem ok to others.
Do you think life has been good so far?: Life is like death...it has no sense, IT'S and that's enough.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: "The perpetual conflict with Eternity...but i have a heart beating and a hand with warm blood inside of it"
What do you like the most about your body?: My eyes, my nose, my hands, my back
And least?: My neck
Do you think you are good looking?: Sometimes perfectly looking others time i seem a gipsy.
Are you confident?: Not so much
What is the fictional character you are most like?: No one
Are you perceived wrongly?: Always.

-Do You…
Smoke?: Yes.
Do drugs?: Yes.
Read the newspaper?: Yes.I consider important to advice myself, trying to understand if end of times is near.
Pray?: I have just Emptyness to pray.
Go to church?: Yes i love them and, above all, the mood inside of them.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: No
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Take walks in the rain?: I hate rain
Talk to people even though you hate them?: Never
Like to drive fast?: Once.It gave me huge problems.

-Would or Have You Ever?-
Liked your voice?: Never
Hurt yourself?: Often
Been out of the country?: Yes
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Yes but i remember just worms and cigarettes
Been in love?: One time
Done drugs?: Yes
Had surgery?: No
Gotten beaten up?: Yes
Beaten someone up? Yes
Been picked on?: ...
Been on stage?: Yes
Slept outdoors?: Yes
Thought about suicide?: A lot of times
Pulled an all nighter?: ...
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: The only thought disgusts me
Slept all day? Yes
Killed someone?: Yes
Made out with a stranger?: No
Had sex with a stranger?: No
Thought you're going crazy?: Always.And I think slowly everyone is thinking about that.
Kissed the same sex?: Yes
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: Not really
Been Betrayed?: Yes.By God, by Art, by Love, by Life.
Had a dream that came true?: Still not true
Broken the law?: Yes
Met a famous person?: Who really is famous?
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No
On purpose?: Not killed
Stolen anything?: Yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: No
Had a dream that kept coming back?: more than one

Believe in life on other planets?: It's very probably
Miracles?: No
Astrology?: No
Magic?: Construed on Eliphas Levi...i don't believe in pure magic
Satan?: Construed on philosophy
Santa?: No
Ghosts?: If we are talking about Benson's ghosts nope.I believe in ghosts construed like regrets.
Witches?: Just to those died burned in middle ages.And those who are keeping tradition.
Easter bunny?: It's not so popular here.
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Never
Believe there is a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: No...
Do you wish on stars?: They are so ambiguos, malicious and evil

-Deep Theological Questions-
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: No.
Do you think God has a gender?: No
Do you believe in organized religion: No.
Where do you think we go when we die?: To nowhere.To Emptyness.To not being.


Check it out: NECRO NOIR FUNEREAL TOMB OF :iconjudhas-v:
She seems to have my same tastes!!:iconladytoxicvampire:


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OM by Janicot, journal

Espressionismo, Sofferenza, Bellezza by Janicot, journal

Expressing frustration and perversion by Janicot, journal

Everything and Nothing by Janicot, journal

ThePrincipleOfCutting-AmbigousSex-Morbidness by Janicot, journal